Last Minute Coverage


Did your employee call in sick? We are available 24/7 to cover your dental staffing needs! Reach us by phone, text or email!

Long-Term Temp Coverage


Maternity leaves, medical leaves and extended coverage is available! We try to keep the same one or two temps in your office throughout the duration of the coverage period.


Permanent Placement


Was one of our temps a great fit for your office? Temp-to-perm placement is a great way to work with a temp for a few weeks to make sure it is a great fit!

Why Choose us for your Dental Staffing Needs?


We understand how important it is to have a full staff to keep your office running smoothly. Whether you are wanting to add production to your schedule and need the extra help, or you have a vacancy in your office, we have temps available for last-minute, same day placement to keep your schedule full and production up.

As soon as you make your temp request, we will get to work on getting the placement filled. We are a hard-working team that strive to fill every temp request that we receive! Unlike an app-based temp service, you can be assured that your schedule is being worked on daily by our skilled scheduling team. And there are no up-front or montly fees to use our service!

Scheduling your temp is easy! You can book online, or request via email, text or phone call!

Need a Time sheet? Click below!

Book Your Dental Temp Online

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